imurakami child clinic website schedule of the month advice of the month

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  Under the beautiful cherry blossom, school entrance ceremony and kindergarten entrance ceremony were held this year, that was at just in time to be inspired by. From now summer climate will set all at once and heat attack alert may start announcing.
 Influenza is spreading now. Most of them are influenza type-B and class closure was required right after new semester has started. Also, hemolytic streptococcal infection has been spreading and that seems continuing for a while. From mid April, RS virus infection and pool fever gained, you have to be careful these. Of course, allergic rhinitis patients are suffering now with changed allergen from Japanese cedar to cypress and with yellow sand. I know you need more patience for more to recover, don’t forget to do gargling and dust off whenever you return.
 The conventional four-component vaccine has evolved into five-component vaccine that also includes Hib vaccine from April, and that helps baby’s load physically. The new vaccination starts after 2 month from childbirth, if she was born in February, April is that month, and it’s OK if she already vaccinated four-component one, there’s no problem.  I hope the time comes all infants can get RS virus vaccine because for now only low birth weight babies can get it. RS virus vaccine started inoculation with over 60 years old people already but it coasts 20000 yen, therefor I hope Government Subsidies arrangements get ready soon.
 Finally the short sleeve season will come. Let’s get ready for sweating with doing an exercise at daytime.Ultraviolet rays is strong this season and it hurts our skins, keep face, neck and easy sweating parts clean to avoid the damages when you return. Also, be careful with the temperature difference between the day and the evening to keep being well.

★When you return to your home,make gargling and washing hands into your habit to avoid infectious disease.★